SEARCH is pleased to announce that Andrew (Andy) Derlikowski is joining the company as Lead Maritime Principal Investigator. In addition to leading the technical aspects of maritime archaeology projects, Andy will deploy state-of-the-art technology to streamline workflows and ensure client satisfaction. Andy is a technical diver with archaeological experience across the Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Caribbean, Midwest, West Coast, and Saudi Arabia.

Andy began his career as a professional archaeologist in 2013 while at the University of West Florida, where he participated in the excavation of Emanual Point II—one of eight vessels sunk during Spain’s attempted colonization of West Florida in 1559. Between 2015 and 2017, he aided in the mechanized recovery of CSS Georgia. Andy also served as Field Director for the investigation of Crib “D”—a Confederate obstruction in the Savannah River—and as Lead Diver on the Savannah District Harbor Expansion Project, which led to the recovery of multiple Revolutionary War cannons. Immediately before joining SEARCH, Andy spent 11 months in the Gulf of Aqaba directing maritime field investigations and geophysical survey.

Andy earned his MA from the University of West Florida, specializing in historical archaeology. He is a Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA), a Scuba Diving International (SDI) Rescue Diver, and a certified Surface-Supply (hard hat) Diving Supervisor.

Welcome to SEARCH, Andy!