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Enriching travel experiences while creating value for host communities.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation defines heritage tourism as “traveling to experience the places, artifacts, and activities that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present.” SEARCH understands the power of history that can be relayed through sustainable heritage-tourism strategies. In developing exhibits, interpretation, signage, trails, and preservation plans, we seek to educate a broad, multi-generation audience. Heritage tourism can also increase economic development and community revitalization. Our multidisciplinary team of specialists can create content, craft comprehensive plans and designs, and develop visitor experiences to meet the needs of any heritage tourism project.


Clients include the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands, NAVFAC Atlantic, USACE Vicksburg, Naval History and Heritage Command, the US Coast Guard, and the Florida Department of Transportation.

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Working with search

Heritage trails on land and underwater
Community engagement and outreach
Strategic tourism planning and exhibit design
Digital documentation and storytelling


Matthew Piscitelli, PhD, RPA